Welcome to the team!
Here's some important info to look at before we bump in
Everyone - staff, stallholders and volunteers must know what to expect before we open to the public. To prepare we ask that you complete the following.
1. Watch the short induction video below.
2. Click the link and answer the questions contained in the video.
3. Read "Before We Bump In" below.
You must click the link below the video and answer the questions by
Wednesday 16th October.
(You will not be permitted entry to the site, until this is complete)
Click the link below to answer the Crew Induction Questions.
Before we bump-in...
Not long to go now, so here are a few things you need to keep in mind on the General Business side of things….
When you arrive
By now you should all have received your Roster, know where to meet, and what to bring and wear. You should also know what time you’re starting each day
If you haven’t received this info, please don’t hesitate to contact
Event Manager Jada Bennett on Ph. 0409 664 023.
Passes will be handed out in the Manager's Office when you arrive, and your coordinators can also answer any questions you may have. We will then have a short briefing before heading out to work
Remember, Hi-vis vests MUST be worn during bump-in and bump-out operations, when marshalling parking, or whenever vehicles are moving within the site. Hi – vis vests are available to staff and volunteers in the Manager's Office
Security guards will patrol the site overnight on Friday and Saturday, and will be present during the event. However, you must be vigilant when the general public are about, as plants have been stolen in the past.
During trading hours, the site will be locked down. You can come and go through the general public exit points so long as your Crew Pass is displayed. But as a rule, don’t rely on access to your vehicle during trading if possible
Personal Hygiene & Sun Safety
In the interest of safe guarding our health and the health of our customers we will be making hand sanitizer available at each of our counters and anywhere cash is exchanged. We will also have sun screen available in the Green Room. Sun hats are highly recommended
Parking and contact on dash
Parking is limited at the event. So please move your vehicles as quickly as possible to the signposted Stallholder Parking areas – you’ll find them on the bump-in map below. Remember to display your name and phone number clearly on your dashboard in case you’re parking someone in
Grow Your Vision